Ordering portal
A simplified internal customer ordering portal for Vodafone

The Group Technology Division within Vodafone have the unenviable task of delivering centralised technology services (such as Infrastructure, Applications and Helpdesks) to a number of business functions across 26 countries, who in turn have a number of independent Customer Ordering Portals.
If you think that sounds complicated you’d be absolutely right – a sentiment shared by their internal customers (ordering on behalf of consumers) who were struggling to understand not only which business function delivered what service, but who were also left with an unclear structure of communication and project performance.
So it was all simplified to just one portal. Internal customers benefitted from a simplifed journey with a single view of their requests, and internally there was clear organisational communication.
A prototype replacement portal was created to refine end user requirements, whilst simultaneously allowing developers to validate the technical dependencies; the seamless integration of different systems. Once approved a common look and feel was applied to all of the tools the Portal connected to, with guidelines created to ensure future consistency.

Enabling tools such as the ‘Find a Service’ widget allowed end users to quickly and easily search for the services they wanted, with the common messaging platform providing a single place from which to view their order status, updates or news.
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from across the business and further user workshops are being held with end customers to establish the next suite of improvements.

Vodafone is a leading telecommunications company in Europe and Africa
Vodafone connect for a better future, using technology to improve people’s lives and enable an inclusive, sustainable digital society.